Fire Retardants

Fire retardants are a broad category of compounds that are added to manufacture materials such as plastics. Fire retardants are triggered by the presence of an ignition source and are substances that are applied to plastics or other materials to impede, defeat, or postpone combustion.

These substances are effective in looming burning during the fire's starting phase working through several physical and chemical means. Fire retardants are often used in industrial and consumer items to fulfill flammability regulations for plastics, furniture, textiles, electronics, and building materials such as insulation.

There is no uniform addition for all plastics; rather, each flame retardant is tailored to a specific polymer and flammability test. To better understand how flame retardants operate, we at AddiChem have observed how materials burn for a long time and after a good amount of R&D, we aim to satisfy the demand of every individual and industry by providing the best possible assistance and top-notch supply of these compounds.

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